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"There is an elemental quality inherent to the works of Anna Aizic. Her artistic progression and interest in the nature of properties has led her to experiment with a variety of media including wood, stone, metal and glass in addition to efforts in painting, photography and writing; she recently published her first book (memoir in letters:The Circles of Life), and working on other writing projects.

Aizic was born in Communist Odessa of Ukraine; she has been working for over twenty years with people with Special needs,developmental disabilities,mental illness and psychiatric rehabilitation. Her parents hoped she will become a concert violinist, Sorry Mom.

Born into an artistic family, Aizic was educated at The Art School of Jafa in Tel Aviv, and trained in jewelry design, yet it is in paintings and sculptures that her fascination with energy and divinity found full expression: in her art, figures come forth from their amorphous abstraction, at once fluid and crystalline, they twist and recede upon themselves, defying gravity while reflecting the color and light of surroundings.

There is a playfulness and freedom in the work of Anna Aizic, yet the joy seems ephemeral and but a momentary glimpse at the true joy of existence. Anna Aizic lives and works in New Jersey with her husband, daughter, son and a cat."



"You all discovered a New Light in the midst of darkness.

And a new world was on the horizon"

Once there was a nice man (sixth stanza),

by Yohanan Giterman, dedicated to Meir Davidovich Skulski

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